Initiative from WGMS and MCWG

Focal point Foppe Smedes   (RIKZ The Netherlands)


Cйline Tixier

Ian Davies

Foppe Smedes

Kees Booij

Ton van der Zande

Jacek Tronczynski

Patrick Roose


This website is intended as a knowledge exchange platform for passive sampling. Presently it holds the information of the ICES Passive Sampling Trial Survey and intercalibration, but it it is intend that als guidance on the use of passive samplers will be made available here. In case you want to contribute, have suggestions or questions sent email to info@passivesampling.net






TrialSurvey pre info

Manual PSTS for Participants



Who is participating

Which places were sampled

Design schemes WTR/SED

Some Preliminary Results

Phenanthrene in water

PCB153 in water Phenanthrene in sediment

PCB153 in sediment




Rel links

IPSW2006 Bratislava




